Export Evaluations data from Playvox using the Dashboard or the API
If you choose to export your data from the Dashboard, you will receive your results in a ready-to-use Excel file.
If, however, you choose to export your data via the API, you will need to make one or more calls to the appropriate endpoints. When making calls to multiple endpoints, you will need to map and cross reference the returned data to create a data file similar to that generated by Playvox if you had chosen to export data via the Dashboard.
Exporting Evaluations Data Using the Playvox Dashboard
Log in to your Playvox account, and navigate to Quality > Evaluations.
There are a variety of filters that allow you to select precisely the data you want. If you do not apply any filters, you will return all results.
Click Export to get a CSV of your results.
Exporting Evaluations Data Using the Playvox API
In addition to using the Dashboard, you can export your data using the Playvox API.
The data you need is accessible via two endpoints:
The Get Evaluations endpoint will provide you with the data relevant to the Evaluation itself
The Get Scorecards endpoint will provide you with the information about the scorecard used for a particular evaluation
To create a dataset comparable to that which is generated by the Playvox Dashboard, you will need to:
Make calls to both the Get Evaluations and the Get Scorecards endpoints
Map the returned data from one endpoint to that from the other; each endpoint returns a separate set of data that is visually incomplete without supplemental information from the other.
Step 1: Get Data from the API
To get the data you need, you will need to make two HTTP GET calls. The first will be to the Get All Evaluations endpoint (though we strongly suggest including the ?include=all querystring parameter).
You can find all of the information for the static data columns using this endpoint. To create a datafile that matches that generated by the Dashboard, you can use the following pairs to map the data returned by the endpoint to the data columns themselves (i.e., the data under the points column is returned in the API response as score).

If, however, you want data from the custom fields and/or individual sections, you will need to get information from the Get Scorecards endpoint and map it to the information returned by the Get Evaluations endpoint.
When you call this endpoint, the sections-related data you want are nested objects. Key items are marked with an ID value, but they do not contain the names of the sections and other identifying information that is easily understood by an end user. As such, you need to cross-reference the Scorecards data against the Evaluations data using the provided ID Value.

More specifically, you should:
1. Find the scorecard_id value in the data returned by the Get Evaluations endpoint.

2. Using the scorecard_id you identified in the previous step, identify the matching Scorecard-related data sections that came with the response from the Get Scorecards endpoint.

3. Returning to the Get Evaluations response, find the custom_fields object. The object contains an ID, as well as the selected user value.

4. Use this custom field ID, find corresponding the custom_fields object in the Get Scorecards data. This will get you the section header information.

Repeat the same steps to get the scorecard’s sections information.
How to identify sections affected by critical fails
Sections in Playvox may get the score affected by section level fails or evaluation level fails.
Section level fails (fail section): Will affect the section score to 0.
Evaluations levels (fail all): Will affect the entire evaluation score to 0.
This field is found as section_x_affected_by in the evaluations export.
To match it against the API the sections object contains a field called type_fail with different values: null, fail_section, fail_all
Null: A section not affected by critical fails.
Fail_section: A section affected by a critical fail.
Fail_all: A section affecting the entire evaluation with a critical fail.

Exporting Coaching Data Using the Playvox Dashboard
Log in to your Playvox account, and navigate to Coaching > All sessions.
There are a variety of filters that allow you to select precisely the data you want. If you do not apply any filters, you will return all results.
Click Export to get a CSV of your results.
Exporting Coaching Data Using the Playvox API
In addition to using the Dashboard, you can export your data using the Playvox API. You will need to make an HTTP GET call to the Get All Coachings endpoint (though we recommend that you include the ?include=all querystring parameter).
To recreate the exported file, you will need to know the following mappings information.

Filtering Data Using the Playvox API
You can refine your data results based on specific timeframes using the Playvox API. You will need to make an HTTP GET call to the Get All endpoint (though we recommend that you include the ?include=all querystring parameter) adding the query parameter.
Query parameter it’s a JSON specifying resource format to perform queries against the Playvox API.

How to use it:
Date format = yyyy/mm/dd